Well, the last week or we can say the last month was full of positivity and lights while the body was full on binge eating with overdose of fried, spicy and sweets ? Now that it’s all over, many of us must be finding ourselves feeling nauseous just thinking of food? These are the signs that it’s time to break from fried snacks and sweets since there was very little to no room for fruits or vegetables in your diet. Lets do simple lifestyle changes to flush out toxins from our digestive system and get the body back on track.

How about starting a day or two with simple DETOX to cleanse the system.. this should emphasise more on antioxidants since these are needed to help the digestive system fight radicals, and increase the metabolic rate and immunity which have been hampered by fried, spicy and loads of sugar laden foods.

It’s a good idea to start our day with lemon water ( squeezing half a lemon in warm water ) OR a simple herbal tea. Also, morning walk, yoga, jog will be good to start being active ; however with the rising air pollution we can do simple exercise at home.


Have fresh vegetable juice (choose from the list below)

Carrots, Beetroot, Celery, Mint, Coriander, Parsley, Wheatgrass, Spinach, Kale Add a tablespoon of chia seeds/ flax seeds/ pumpkin seeds to your juice, for that extra fiber and power boost. (I don’t recommend juicing fruits as that will shoot up your sugar levels and we don’t want that happening).


Raw or lightly steamed vegetables with a variety of seasonal preferably organic vegetables .

You can choose from the following:

Mushrooms, Spinach, Mustard leaves. Fenugreek leaves, Beetroot, Broccoli, Cabbage, Capsicums, Pumpkins, Carrots, Onions, Garlic, Ginger.


Vegetable stew

In a large saucepan, saute onions and garlic. Then add your favourite veggies, saute for another 2 minutes. Add 2 cups of filtered water and sea salt. Slow cook till the veggies are done. You could blend the ingredients for a thick broth or eat it as is with chunks of veggies.


Drink as much water, unsweetened herbal tea as you wish during the day. Aim for at least 8

glass of water within the day. Make a trail mix of nuts and seeds like walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, melon seeds, chia seeds and flax seeds. Eat low GI fruits like guava, pear, apple, orange, plums and apricots ( amongst the seasonal)

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