How to stay fit in Monsoon?

So we are all awaiting monsoons, the scorching heat is getting on all of us, isnt it?? Monsoon is cooling, monsoon is fun but along with that it brings with it lots of diseases, infection and germs. We should take care of our health and our diet during this fun season. I have a plenty of Do’s and Dont’s for you and let’s go one by one each day… so here’s

Tip #ONE

EXERCISE.. YES! you read it right!
Please don’t forget to exercise during rains, exercise will help you keep fit and increase your metabolism, it will help you feel fresh. Yes , I understand its difficult to go for our routine morning walks but we can exercise indoor, like doing yoga or zumba or any of your favourite indoor workouts. Just a simple 10 min skipping will help you lots. I don’t think its’ too difficult! What do you think?

Tip #TWO

In continuation with the above tip about indoor exercises, it’s important not to indulge in heavy exercises like running, cycling etc. which increase Pitta (heat) and ofcourse shouldn’t be done by people who have high Pitta dosha . Yoga, walking, swimming, and stretching are good to go 🙂


With monsoons come Pitta dosha which Monsoons is responsible for metabolism and digestion of food. Due to a higher amount of pitta in the body, one’s digestion becomes sluggish and can lead to several problems like indigestion, hyperacidity, skin disorders (like boils, eczema and rashes), hair loss and infections

According to Ayurvedic principles, bitter tasting vegetables and herbs are great to neutralize pitta. So, this monsoon, gorge on bitter vegetables like bitter gourd (karela) and bitter herbs like neem, fenugreek and turmeric to help keep infections and the other ailments associated with a high amount of pitta at bay.


The digestive system gets weakened due to dehydration in summer. This leads to low digestive power. This is further weakened by vitiation of doshas and dhatus due to monsoon. Hence following a diet that increase power of digestion and strengthens the digestive system would be beneficial in the rainy season.


Eat light and easily digestible foods, vegetable soups, cooked or steamed vegetables, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, steamed salad, fruits, moong dal, khichree, corn, chickpea flour, and oatmeal etc. Stick to foods prepared out of old barley, rice and wheat. Adding ginger and green gram in daily diet.

Tip #SIX

Gastric problems like diarrhea are common health issues faced during the rainy season, Add probiotic curd buttermilk, coconut water, lemon water ( home made) in your diet for a healthy gut.


Stick to seasonal fruits during monsoons as the unseasonal ones can easily get infected with microbes. These include mangoes, pomegranates, apples, bananas, lychees and cherries.


In case you catch a cold, freshly prepared radish juice, along with a pinch of pipli ( long pepper) and rock salt in warm water would help to lessen the trouble of mucous formation.


Fasting is especially recommended in the monsoon season, particularly for people fond of socialising and erratic eating. You can gain a lot of health benefits simply by observing a weekly or fortnightly fast during monsoon. It helps to improve your digestive fire.

Tip #TEN

Vegetables recommended during the rains are the non-leafy ones such as — snake gourd (turi), gourd (dudhi), pointed gourd (parwal), yam (suran), cluster beans (gavaar), apple gourd (tinda) and bitter gourd (karela). Avoid eating raw foods, instead go for stir fried vegetables because it is difficult to know whether raw foods are properly washed, cleaned or stored.


Have herb water daily during monsoon- Boil water – Add grated ginger 1tsp + 5-6 leaves tulsi+ lemon grass+ cinnamon powder – bring it to boil and strain and drink – It will increase your immunity, make it for the whole family, also will help to increase metabolism and make weight loss easier.

Hope all these tips help you all. Happy monsoons!! Enjoy!

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